Harrier Whisky 750ml

This whisky is a blend of whiskies from both the Scottish and South African regions. It has a light body, a golden color, and a smooth finish. It is unusual for a whisky which has been aged only three years. The whisky is 750ml in size, made of glass, and weighs 1.6kg. It has an alcohol by volume of 43%, and is non-returnable. more details
Key Features:
  • Blend of whiskies from both Scottish and South African regions
  • Light body
  • Golden color

R189.99 at 3 Shops

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Country South Africa
Producer Harrier
Varietal Whisky
Manufacturer Harrier
This whisky is a blend of whiskies from both the Scottish and South African regions. It has a light body, a golden color, and a smooth finish. It is unusual for a whisky which has been aged only three years. The whisky is 750ml in size, made of glass, and weighs 1.6kg. It has an alcohol by volume of 43%, and is non-returnable.

Harrier is a blended South African Scotch, made from a mixture of whiskies from both regions. It possesses a light body, a golden colour, and a smooth finish, which is unusual for a whisky which has been aged only three years

- Aged only three years
- Blended South African Scotch

- Size: 750ml
- Material: Glass
- Weight: 1.6kg
- Alcohol By Volume: 43%
- Warranty: Non-Returnable
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